Welcome to Abundance Mindset Formula
In the Abundance Mindset Formula you are going to learn everything you need to know about abundance and the mindset you need to let abundance into your life. You will learn all about the universal laws and how you can let them work for you instead of against you. We are also looking into manifesting and the tools you can use to help you manifest anything that you desire. And we talk about vibrations, how everything around us vibrates at different frequencies and how you can lift your frequency to match what it is you want to attract. Lastly we will also take a look at what abundance blocks you might have and how to overcome the.
The topics we will cover in this module are:
- Scarcity vs. Abundance Mindset
- The Laws of the Universe
- How to manifest what you want
- Vibrational Frequencies
- How to overcome Abundance Blocks
The benefits of this module will be:
- You will learn to create an abundance mindset
- You will have the tools to overcome your abundance blocks
- You will be able to let the Laws of the universe work for you
- You will have gained insight into how you can actively manifest your desires
- You will know how to optimize Your Vibrational Frequency
The tools we will be using are:
- The LAWS of the Universe Framework
- The Money Mindset Protocol
- The Manifestation Toolkit
- The Vibration Technique
- The Abundance Blocks Map
This module is accompanied with:
- Workbook with exercises, tips & tricks to accept & embrace your high sensitivity unconditionally so that it may become your Super Power.
- Meditations & visualizations to help you become your effortless self
- Tools to help you become the best version of yourself.
- Bonuses to give you even more value.
- Dutch download section, so you can read everything in Dutch if you want to.
Now, go ahead, take a deep breath and get started. You can do this!
Start your lessons by selecting the appropriate lesson from the menu. You will also receive weekly inspirational emails to keep you on track.
If you have questions, concerns or suggestions about this training program, feel free to send an email to barbera@hspentrepreneurcoach.com